Principles of Our Economic Policy
Ana SayfaAna Sayfa  

Principles of Our Economic Policy

Stabilization and Employment Friendly Growth

Preventing monopolistic structures and unfair competition by operating the market economy rules and carrying out stabilization, environment and employment friendly growth by restricting the role of public with guiding, regulating and controlling activities in economy and by supporting dynamism and entrepreneurship power of private sector is the basis of our party’s economy policies

Social Justice and Distribution of Income

By means of establishing steady economic growth and creating a strong production economy, establishment of a social welfare order enabling everyone taking place in production and employment process to take fair share according to their contributions are among our main purposes.

Production Economy Having Global Competition Power

We find it necessary to take place among leading actors of regional and global developments and support information production by force of information age and to implement the use of information effectively to provide access to information easily and rapidly and to create production economy giving importance to technologic development, innovation, productivity and employment economy instead of consumption economy which supplies speculative income and is rent-based.

Monetary Policy and Price Stability

We find it necessary to provide and maintain price stability in order to carry out a sustainable growth. For this purpose we envisage to pursue a monetary and rate of exchange policy which will bring debt stock and current deficit to the level which does not cause vulnerability in economy. We believe that preventing excess fluctuation and speculative movements in rates of exchange in short term is necessary while we accept that the free exchange rate policy where exchange rates are specified as per market conditions.

National Economy Program

With the purpose of establishing the production economy having high competitive power and strengthening the social tissue by increasing the level of welfare of society, The Nationalist Movement Party will put into effect an independent and national “Economy Program” taking opportunities, conditions, natural and human resources of our country into consideration.

Basic purposes of Economic Program we are going to apply are as follows:

To establish an employment friendly and sustainable growth environment,

To reduce unemployment and the poverty as well as to ensure equality in income distribution,

To apply competitive exchange rate policy and to establish a production economy of high competitive power by decreasing the dependence of production and export on import,

To strengthen economy against shocks and to reduce its vulnerability by decreasing its dependence on outside source,
To reduce the public and private debt stock to a sustainable level

Within the Framework of Fundamental Purposes of the Program:

Competitive market economy will be developed and its legal infrastructure will be strengthened,

Innovative and high value-added production economy will be established,

Information and communication technologies will be extended,

Production and employment will be promoted, job and work environment will be improved,

Financial system and capital markets will be reinforced and small investor will be protected,

Public finance management and financial control system will be activated,
Export will be increased and its continuity will be maintained in international markets by selling quality products,

Struggling against unrecorded economy will be performed effectively,

Productivity will be raised by modernizing agricultural sector and agricultural products will be processed and their value added will be increased,

SMEs will be capable to compete in international area by means of increasing their finance facilities,

Foreign - source dependence in energy will be diminished by developing new and renewable energy sources,

A common, speed, safe and cheap transport system will be established by developing infrastructure of transport,

An active economy management will be ensured by running institutions and organizations related with economy in cooperation.